Genealogy by Lillie Grace

3941 Partridge Ave, North Port, FL 34286, USA
3941 Partridge Avenue North Port Florida 34286 US
Karen Dill
Genealogy by Lillie Grace is your gateway to exploring your roots and uncovering your family’s unique story.
We are a service that will create a family tree of your ancestors & some living relatives.
DNA testing is NOT required!
We find information through public digitized records, documents, and newspaper articles.
If you have done DNA testing, we can sort out your DNA matches and place them in your tree.
Genealogy by Lillie Grace can start by researching one person, building an entire branch, or a generation at a time.
We have an initial conference where your goals and budget are determined. You provide basic information about your family. Most of us know who our grandparents are and some know Great-grandparents. We start where you leave off!
You are always in control of how much you spend. Payment is upfront.
Genealogy by Lillie Grace is in the business of finding dead people! Genealogy is ALL RELATIVE.
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