Robin Rosario

Pure Florida Naples

My husband and I have been married for 33 years ; We meet while he was serving in the Marine Corps during the first Gulf War. Our eldest son is a Master Sargent in the Army, Working on his master’s degree. Our eldest daughter graduated from FGCU and is a 1st grade schoolteacher. Our next daughter is in her Jr year at First Baptist Academy and plays on her varsity Basketball Team. Our youngest son is the light of our family as he teaches us daily how to stay humble and grateful. He is a 5-time Gold Metalist for the state of Florida in The Special Olympics.


We were blessed almost 10 years ago when a very dear friend of our passed away and she asked us to take in her daughter (our Bonus Daughter) who gave us our amazing baby boy (1st grandson) Gabriel. I speak so much about my family in my BIO as they are my pride and joy. They are my reason for being me. I learn new ways to stay grounded and to take pride in everything I do , including my amazing position with Pure Florida for over 14 years as well as serving others.
