Karen Dill
Genealogy by Lillie Grace
My business is not typical, because I look for dead people!
I grew up in Massachusetts, a state rich in history going back to the Mayflower in 1620. I come from a very, close-knit family, with 3 siblings and 32 – 1st cousins. All of my grandparents have French-Canadian heritage with 3 of them immigrating to the United States and the 4th was a 1st generation American. When I was in 6th grade, I had a crush on a boy and told my Mom. She said, “Oh no, you can’t, he is your cousin!” What?!? I knew all my cousins!
That is when I was introduced to what a family tree is. I jumped in with both feet, eventually turning my hobby into a business when my husband’s health took a turn for the worse. By calling my business – Genealogy by Lillie Grace, I honored both my mother-in-law, Lillie, and my Mom, with her choice of Grace as my middle name.
Genealogy refers to the study of families, family history, and the tracing of their lineages and history. I use a wide variety of public records to document my findings. Cemeteries are a fantastic source of family relationships and history. Ancestors are our dead relatives. Let me dig up your ancestors and bring their history to life, for you and your family to follow!
What is your favorite vacation spot?
A Cruise Ship! It really doesn’t matter where it is going. Everything is right there! Transportation, food, bed, relaxation, and entertainment, all provided and cheaper than a road trip.
What is a good way to give back to your community?
The best thing I can do for my community is: smile, be kind & helpful, have a positive attitude, and pray that it is contagious! Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
What kind of choice is that?
- Going back 100 years, giving up the luxuries and “modern” gadgets that I have become accustomed to.
- Catapulting 100 years forward, where I would feel lost, not knowing all the inventions and products of the years in between now & then.
Monty Hall, taking my knowledge of the history during the past 100 years with me, I’ll take what is behind Curtain #1, please!